Australia Extends Post-Study Work Rights for International Students: A Welcome Boost for Global Talent

From 1st July 2023, international higher education graduates in Australia with eligible qualifications will be granted an additional two years of post-study work rights. This decision aims to attract and retain global talent, contributing to the growth and development of the Australian economy.

Australia has long been a popular destination for international students, owing to its high-quality education system, diverse culture, and attractive lifestyle. In recent years, however, the country has faced increasing competition from other nations seeking to attract global talent.

In response, the Australian government has decided to extend post-study work rights for international students, offering them more time to gain valuable work experience and potentially transition to permanent residency.

Details of the Change:

Beginning 1st July 2023, international students who have completed an eligible higher education qualification in Australia will be granted an extra two years of post-study work rights, extending their stay to gain relevant work experience. This applies to students graduating from Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degrees at Australian universities or other eligible higher education providers in the select degrees to strengthen the skill shortage.

To be eligible for the extension, students must:

·         Complete their qualification at an Australian higher education provider.

·         Hold a valid subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa or be eligible to apply for one.

·         Meet the Australian Study Requirement, which includes completing a course registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) that is at least two academic years (92 weeks) in duration.

·         Demonstrate proficiency in English through an approved language test, such as IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE Academic.

The tenure for select degrees has been increased from:

·         4-6 years for all PHDs

·         3-5 years for select master’s degree

·         2-4 of selected bachelor’s degrees.

Also, the part-time working cap has been increased for international students from 40 to 48 hours fortnightly effective from July 1, 2023.  

Implications for International Students:

The extension of post-study work rights provides several benefits for international students, including:

1.      Increased opportunities:

An additional two years allows graduates to seek meaningful employment, gain valuable work experience, and develop professional networks in their chosen fields.

2.      Enhanced employability:

 With more time to secure relevant work experience, international graduates will have a stronger resume, making them more competitive in the global job market.

Pathway to permanent residency: The extended work rights may help international students meet the eligibility requirements for various skilled migration programs, increasing their chances of obtaining permanent residency in Australia.

3.      Financial stability:

The extra two years provide an opportunity for graduates to earn an income, potentially allowing them to repay education loans or support themselves financially while seeking long-term employment opportunities.

Implications for Australian Employers and Economy:

The extended post-study work rights also offer several advantages for Australian employers and the economy:

Access to global talent:

Employers will have a larger pool of skilled international graduates to choose from, helping to fill skill gaps and meet the demands of various industries.

Diverse workforce:

International graduates bring unique perspectives, skills, and cultural backgrounds to the workplace, fostering innovation and enhancing the overall performance of organizations.

Economic growth:

With more international graduates contributing to the workforce, Australia can expect increased productivity and economic growth, as these individuals spend their earnings on goods and services within the country.

Strengthening international ties:

The extended work rights may encourage long-term connections between Australia and other countries, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas in research, innovation, and business.

Long-term Impact on Higher Education Sector:

The extension of post-study work rights has the potential to impact Australia’s higher education sector in several ways significantly:

1.      Increased attractiveness:

The extended work rights make Australia a more appealing study destination for prospective international students, potentially leading to increased enrollment numbers and a boost in the country’s reputation as a leading provider of quality education.

2.      Financial sustainability:

International students contribute significantly to the financial sustainability of Australian universities, with their tuition fees accounting for a substantial portion of the revenue generated by higher education providers. By attracting more international students and offering them an extended stay to gain work experience, universities can continue to rely on this revenue stream and invest in improving the quality of education they offer.

3.      Retention of international talent:

The extended work rights may lead to a higher retention rate of international graduates in Australia, as they are given more time to secure long-term employment opportunities. This not only benefits the Australian economy but also helps to retain talented individuals who may otherwise have left the country.

4.      Improved graduate outcomes:

The additional two years of work experience may improve the employability of international graduates, leading to better graduate outcomes and higher rates of employment in their chosen fields.


The extension of post-study work rights for international students in Australia is a positive development that benefits not only students but also employers, the economy, and the higher education sector. By attracting and retaining global talent, Australia can continue to compete on the world stage and remain a top destination for international students seeking high-quality education and valuable work experience. The change is a welcome boost for the country’s efforts to foster a diverse and innovative workforce that contributes to its economic growth and success in the long run.

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